Transcribe podcast
Transcribe podcast

transcribe podcast

Audio Text program that transcribes podcast files to text. The application will begin transcribing your audio file using the identified language model. Once you have completed the above tasks, you simply click on the “Convert To Text” button.

  • Use the File menu again to select the audio file you want to transcribe.
  • The model path will appear on the screen. This is the top level folder that contains the language model you downloaded from the Vosk website as a part of the setup process.
  • Use the File menu at the top of the screen and select the language model path.
  • You need to identify two things before you can transcribe an audio file to a text transcript. The AudioText application will ask you for the path to the model folder so you can put the model anywhere you want. I put the model folder here… “C:\Users\xxx\pyenv\NLP\model”.
  • unzip the downloaded model file to a folder named “model”.
  • They also have a small English model that you can run on a Raspberry Pi ! There are models for multiple languages available. I downloaded “vosk-model-en-us-aspire-0.2” which is a large English language model. Vosk is the library that provides the actual speech to text translation software. You select a language model based on your needs – many languages are supported. The only thing not included in the installation is a “language model” which is provided by the VOSK website.


    Download and install a language model – see below.The entire application is contained in one python file –


    Cut and paste the AudioText source code into a file in your virtual environment and give it a try.This is the environment used for the posts that illustrated the basic process using simple python scripts. Create a python virtual environment using the instructions in this post.This is for Python gearheads that want to work with the source code. If you performed the Easy Installation above you do not need to do this step. Apple is better and provides code signing certs when you pay the $95 a year fee to be an Apple Developer.įinally – you have to download a language model – see below. The only way for me to avoid this is to spend $400 dollars on a Windows code signing certificate which I’m not going to do. Your anti-virus may also object to running this exe. It will also provide a button for you to run it anyway.

    transcribe podcast

    This means that Windows Defender will display a message warning you not to run the program.

    transcribe podcast

    The AudioText.exe file is not “code signed”.


    File structure of the AudioText zip archive Warning – The EXE is not code signed If you have a Linux or Mac system you will have to go the Python Installation (see below) route and build your own python environment. This is the executable that will run the AudioText python appliication. The screen shot below shows the directory structure. This “compiled” version of the AudioText python application was created using PyInstaller which you can read about here. This is nice as it won’t mess up any existing python installations you might have or if you know nothing about Python it does all the work for you. The folder you download is a complete (batteries included) python environment and python application with all the needed python libraries.

    Transcribe podcast